Some general information about this application form:
Navigate through the form using the mouse or TAB key. If you hit ENTER after a response, the form will attempt to be submitted and you will receive an ERROR message indicating that you have left entries unfilled or that you must select a file to upload. If this occurs, you can simply continue where you left off entering information into the form.
If you are unable to complete the application in one sitting, or if you want to work on this application with others, click the "save" button at the end. You will be given a prompt to e-mail the link to others, or you can bookmark the link and return to the form later. Your form will not be submitted until you click the Submit button.
There is also an option to clear all of the entered responses should you desire to start over.
For additional information about completing this application form, or if you have any questions, please contact Katelyn Richardson at 519-569-0935 or e-mail:
Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif
Tree Marking: Where an application has been submitted with a silvicultural prescription, tree marking shall be conducted by a Certified Tree Marker or an individual approved by the Registered Professional Forester who prepared the prescription.
Requirements for tree marking are:
Submit Form. Please check to make sure all the information is correct.
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