Region of Waterloo Form

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Water Efficiency Technology (W.E.T) Program Multi-Residential Funding Application

Please complete this application for projects in multi-residential buildings with 3 stories or more, and wish to determine your eligibility for funding or cost-sharing with the Region of Waterloo.  Money is available for property managers who upgrade all of their building’s showerheads, toilets and tap aerators. 

This program is best suited for medium to high rise apartment buildings interested in long-term savings. 

The Region will review water billing data prior to the launch of the project and compare it to the water billing data for the year following project completion to determine the volume of water saved by the project.

  • Funding is based on project's invoiced costs, water savings achieved and the time for the project to pay for itself
  • Funding available is $0.40 per litre saved per day or less if the upgrades pay for themselves in under two years
  • Project managers often receive a rebate of 5 to 13 per cent of the project cost with water savings often providing long-term financial benefits.


Applicant Information

 Please complete this section with your contact information. 

Are you the property owner?
Please provide your preferred contact method in case we need more information.

Multi-Residential Property Information

Please complete the following section for each property applying for funding and/or a rebate from the Region of Waterloo (the "Region"). Please note that a Multi-Residential building includes residential buildings with three or more separately metered units, including whole townhome complexes, triplexes, apartment buildings etc. 

The Region offers property managers funding or cost sharing opportunities for the following types of individual projects:

  • Funding for the replacement of all toilets, aerators and showerheads (funding to be determined based on the water savings achieved by the project); or
  • 50/50 cost sharing of the purchase of sub-meters up to $10,000

Please note that the Region also offers a $15 rebate for every toilet flapper replaced (please apply for this specific program using this application)

Only one type project can be completed at a building at a time. 

Please visit for more program information.  


Please provide your preferred contact method in the situation we need more information.
Does your building have 3 or more apartment units?
Is the building 3 or more stories tall?

Thank you. If you wish to complete an application for another property, please click the "Add Another Property" button. If you are finished entering properties, please continue with the application. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application and for your interest in water efficiency. Once the Region of Waterloo's Water and Wastewater Services team has reviewed your application and registered your building(s) into the program, the next steps for receiving your funding will be as follows:

  1. As the property manager, you are responsible for the replacement of all toilets, showerheads and tap aerators in their building(s). Consultants or plumbers are often hired to install fixtures.
  2. Once the project is complete, the Region’s Water and Wastewater Services team will review water billing data from the year before and the year after the project to determine water savings achieved. Please note: water billing data is made available to the Region the following year.
  3. With water savings calculated, we then look at invoiced costs and calculate a return on investment of a minimum of two years to determine how much funding you will receive.
  4. The Region’s Water and Wastewater Services team will draft a proposal for your project. During this process they will request banking information and a completed application form as part of the submission package.
  5. The Region’s Water and Wastewater Services team will then apply for approval of funding to the Region’s finance department.

Thank you for your interested in water conservation! Together we are making a difference!

Are you interested in learning about the Region's other FREE Water Efficiency programs to save water and money in your home and/or business?

Terms of Agreement

In consideration of my acceptance in the Region of Waterloo's WET Program, I agree to the conditions of the rebate and I hereby release, waive and forever discharge the Region of Waterloo, including its Boards, and Commissions and its respective agents, officials, officers, and employees (“the Region”) of and from all claims, demands, costs and expenses, actions or causes of action in respect to death, injury or damage to any persons or any property howsoever caused, arising or to arise by reason of my participation in this program. I further acknowledge that the Region is not responsible for the selection and does not warrant the performance or accept any liability for the operation or non-operation or manner or form of installation of the toilet flapper or flush valve seal replacement under this program.

I further agree to allow the Region access to water billing account information for the sole purpose of monitoring water savings and consumption.


I have read and understood the above Terms and Conditions.

Notice of Collection of Personal Information

To the extent that the foregoing information constitutes personal information as defined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.56 as amended, the information is subject to provisions of that Act and will be used to collect information for the purpose of the Region of Waterloo's WET program and to monitor water savings. Any questions regarding the collection of this personal information should be directed to Dan Meagher, Supervisor of Communications & Source Water Protection Program, at or 519-575-4400 ext. 4423. 

I have read and understood the above notice of collection of my personal information.

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