Region of Waterloo Form

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Welcome to the sign-up form to join the Water Efficient Technology (W.E.T.) Plumbers and Dealers list

Thank you for your interest in working with homeowners who want to soften hot water only. Efficient water softening can help reduce water and salt use, and help protect our local environment.

Joining this list means the Region of Waterloo will share your name and contact information with people who have registered for our Water Softener Plumbing Rebate Program. We will also post your name and information on our public website at and

By signing up for this list, you agree that you are a licensed plumber and/or authorized water softener dealer, have watched the Region’s “Efficient Water Softening for Plumbers” video, and are willing to make plumbing changes for homeowners who request softening hot water only.

Please provide your preferred contact method in case we need more information.
Are you a licensed plumber or an authorized softener dealer?
Do you offer water softener tune ups or maintenance checks (optional)?
Do you promote and/or sell non-salt softening technologies?
Have you watched the Region's education video?

Notice of Collection of Personal Information

To the extent that the foregoing information constitutes personal information as defined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.56 as amended, the information is subject to provisions of that Act and will be used to collect information for the purpose of the Region of Waterloo's W.E.T. Plumbers and Dealers list, as associated with the Water Softener Plumbing Rebate program. Any questions regarding the collection of this personal information should be directed to Dan Meagher, Supervisor of Communications & Source Water Protection Program, at or 519-575-4400 ext. 4423. 

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