Region of Waterloo Form

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Chemical handling and storage resources for commercial properties

The Region of Waterloo offers free resources to support your chemical handling and storage plan. Resources are available while supplies last to mailing addresses in Waterloo Region, Canada. Your organization will not be charged for the materials or shipping costs via Canada Post. However, the Region of Waterloo has the right to limit quantities. Please allow two to three weeks for delivery by Canada Post.

Materials available to order

Poster: Report all spills

  • Display in visible area near chemicals
  • 11 inches x 17 inches

Report all spills poster

Send materials to

Notice of Collection of  Personal Information

To the extent that the foregoing information constitutes personal information as defined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.56 as amended, the information is subject to provisions of that Act and will be used to collect information for the purpose of distributing requested materials. Questions about the collection of personal information should be directed to Region of Waterloo Water and Wastewater Services, or 519-575-4400; Deaf and hard of hearing (TTY): 519575-4400.

I have read and understood the above notice of collection of my personal information.,

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