Region of Waterloo Form

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Welcome to the Region of Waterloo's Sewer Use By-law Permit Application form

This form is to be used by companies in the Region of Waterloo who require a permit under  Sewer Use By-law 21-036.  There are four permit types available:

-General Permit

-Surcharge Permit

-Temporary Discharge Permit

-Compliance Permit

There is also an option to request an amendment to an existing permit.

For more detailed information on the different permit types, click here to read the full by-law. Each permit type is $1,700 (non-refundable application fee of $200), payable by credit or debit card via this form.

A permit amendment is $750, also payable by credit or debit card via this form.

This form will be used to gather the necessary details of your permit request. Permits (including any amedment) are for a maximum of one year, and a company must reapply after a year if a permit is required. If you require more than one type of permit under the Sewer Use By-law, please submit a separate application for each permit type.

If you have questions, please contact: Ian Taylor, Supervisor, Environmental Field Services or phone 519-650-8260


Company Information

Tell us about the company applying for this permit or permit amendment. 

Applicant Information

Provide contact information for the person completing this application on behalf of the company.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to submit this application and any supporting documentation on behalf of the company.

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