Region of Waterloo Form

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Provincial Offences Court

Transcript Request

Ordering Party

Transcripts are available in either paper copy or electronic form.  There is a legislated fee per page for the transcript and a minimum fee of $25 per transcript. The Ordering Party will be contacted with an estimated cost which must be received in full prior to commencement of the transcription. 

To cancel your Transcription Order the Ordering Party must make the cancellation request by written communication (letter or email). The Ordering Party is responsible for payment of the transcription services fees to date.

If appealing the case, the electronic copy can be filed at the Provincial Court and can be shared with other interested parties.  If a paper copy is being ordered, an original and 2 copies of the transcript is required.  Transcripts are not certified unless they bear an original signature of the Certified Court Transcriptionist, therefore; you cannot photocopy yourself. 

All appeal matters require an original and 2 copies of the transcript to be ordered. Transcripts are not certified unless they bear an original signature of the Certified Court Transcriptionist, therefore; you cannot photocopy yourself, you must order 1 original and 2 copies.

Required for Appeal
Printed Copy or Electronic Copy

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