Region of Waterloo Form

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Environmental Records Search

Submitting a request for an Environmental Records Search

Please read this section thoroughly before completing the form as it provides important information such as fee structure, payment information, and the scope of information that is on record.

  • the fee is $150 ($132.74 plus HST) per property address/roll number
  • payment can be made by VISA or Mastercard
  • one form must be completed for each property address/roll number
  • the property address and roll number are required
  • the response provides:
    • the records from the Region of Waterloo Hydrogeology and Source Protection Urban Threats database (TID) as explained in the report TID Report
    • proximity to mapped source water protection areas
    • Region of Waterloo environmental incident report (reported spills to the environment) from 2003 to present.

Please note: This request is not a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Here is information on the Region's FOI process.

Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of responding to your request. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Manager of Information Management and Archives at 519-575-4006.


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