Region of Waterloo Form

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Submitting your water hardness test results

Please use this form if you have already tested your water hardness, either using the strips sent by the Region of Waterloo's Water and Wastewater Services team or during a WET Home Water Review with our program partner, Greenbrain. Also use this form if you have completed your plumbing change to soften hot water only. 

This form will take two to five minutes to complete. You may use this form to register for the Region's Water Softener Plumbing Rebate program at the end of the form.

Please click here for a different form if the following is true:

  • You have not previously tested your water hardness in your home either with a kit provided by the Region of Waterloo or with a plumber; or
  • You have not had a WET Home Water Review with Greenbrain

Applicant Information

Please provide your preferred contact method in case we need more information.
Are you submitting your water hardness test results or are you confirming you have switched your softening to hot water only?

The Region's Water Efficiency Team will review your submission and confirm your registration in the program within 48 business hours. 

If you have completed your project, the Region's Water and Wastewater Services team will contact you to discuss issuing the one-time $50 rebate to you. 

Thank you for your participation in the Region's Water Softener Plumbing Rebate Program.

Notice of Collection of Personal Information

To the extent that the foregoing information constitutes personal information as defined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.56 as amended, the information is subject to provisions of that Act and will be used to collect information for the purpose of the Region of Waterloo's pilot Water Softener Plumbing Rebate program and to monitor water savings. Any questions regarding the collection of this personal information should be directed to Dan Meagher, Supervisor of Communications & Source Water Protection Program, at or 519-575-4400 ext. 4423. 

I have read and understood the above notice of collection of my personal information.

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